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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Changing the World Begins With a Change in Yourself


Changing the world with change in your self

One of my colleagues keeps cribbing about the people around him, the situations and whatever is happening. If he fails to do something, he starts blaming everyone associated with the task except him. Once I had an opportunity to discuss about why he always thought that way and what he told me, I was compelled to write about it.  


Changing the World Begins with Changing Yourself: A Reflection on Personal Responsibility

In the bustling landscape of our personal and professional lives, it's not uncommon to encounter individuals who seem to carry the world's weight on their shoulders – not in the noble sense of bearing responsibility, but in the relentless habit of blaming others for their shortcomings. We all have experienced such encounters at some or the other point in our LIFE and we too, have played the same blame game to please our self-esteem. One such individual in my orbit, a colleague of mine, has consistently exhibited this behavior, lamenting about the people around him, paying his precious attention to their petty activities and actions which actually hold no importance in his course of action. Being in a leadership role, he often finds himself in diverse situations and faced with myriad challenges, so he is expected to cultivate the habit of taking credibility of his actions and Decision in a certain situation. On the contrary, he seems all too eager to point fingers at external factors, absolving himself of any accountability.

This pattern of behavior is not only demoralizing for his teammates but also profoundly limiting their efficiency and potential. It's a stark reminder of the age-old adage that changing the world begins with a change in yourself.


The Change is Challenging

Change is Always Challenging-

Everybody knows that change is the only constant yet change is always apprehensive, scary, and complex. We must accept the fact that to walk with this rapidly changing world we have to CHANGE ourselves with the demands of the circumstances. Changing for the better is a crucial life skill to cultivate peace, happiness, and contentment in our life, and believe me everyone can harness this power to bring a positive change in their life and the people around them. As stated earlier, any change in one’s life is always unwelcomed and brings in Discomfort so it becomes very difficult to begin this task of changing yourself to change the world.

Let’s start making a to-do list for this-

1.     Introspect your current situation and analyze your personal and professional LIFE

2.     Make a list of all the things and circumstances you are not satisfied with and want to bring a positive CHANGE in them

3.     Think about those situations that aren’t under your control

4.     Prepare a list of everything that you can control and that are within your power to affect.

In most cases, you will find that you can only fix the problems or mistakes you made. You can’t change others’ perceptions, their way of life and behaviour so it’s completely useless to invest your time, resources and energy to change others and guide them as per your choices. Henceforth, you can only control your LIFE and actions. And, when you change your perception about others you will feel a change in their approach towards you positively. Changing the world begins with a change in yourself and this process can’t be done overnight; it’s a continuous journey and requires all your conscious efforts to acknowledge your flaws and put them into the right practice.


Taking Responsibility of Your Actions-

During that compelling conversation with my colleague about his perpetual state of discontent, I was met with a response that left me pondering long after our exchange had ended. He adamantly defended his inclination to blame External factors, arguing that the fault lay not with him but with the circumstances he found himself in and the individuals he was surrounded with.


However, as I reflected on his words, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency to address the deeper issue at hand – the reluctance to take ownership of one's actions and attitudes. Blaming others might offer temporary relief, allowing us to evade the discomfort of facing our own shortcomings. Yet, in the grand scheme of things, it serves as a barrier to personal growth and meaningful change.


The World is Changing

Transform Yourself to Influence People

Here’s an urgent need to share the quote by Mahatma Gandhi; “Be the Change you wish to see in the world,” having this idea in mind one can truly conquer the world and leave a lasting impact on the community. If not the global, start at the local level; if not local strive to change at the community level; and even if not at the community level you can easily start at the personal level and see the changes around you.

The truth; is that a genuine transformation – whether on an individual level or within the broader scope of society – necessitates a willingness to embrace personal responsibility. It requires us to look inward and confront our biases, limitations, and areas for improvement. Only then, we anticipate enacting positive change, both in our own life and in the world around us.


Let’s Begin This Journey of Self-Transformation

To embark on a journey of self-transformation we must cultivate a Mindset of self-awareness. Self-awareness includes knowing oneself completely whether it's culture, lifestyle, choices, family background, or social and religious beliefs. It means knowing your strengths, weaknesses, passion, and purpose in life. Being honest with ourselves about our strengths and weaknesses, our Success and Failures help us recognize that while external factors may influence our circumstances, ultimately, we have the power to shape our responses and actions.


Secondly, we must practice self-reflection. Taking the time to pause and examine our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors allows us to gain invaluable insights into our motivations and decision-making processes. Introspection enables us to identify patterns of behavior that may be holding us back and empowers us to make conscious choices moving forward.


Finally, we must embrace a sense of personal agency. Rather than viewing ourselves as passive victims of circumstance, we must recognize the inherent power we possess to effect change – both within ourselves and in the world at large. By taking proactive steps to address the shortcomings and contribute positively to our environments, we become agents of transformation, inspiring others to do the same.


In conclusion, changing the world begins with changing ourselves. It requires us to transcend the temptation to blame others for our own misfortunes and instead embrace personal responsibility as the catalyst for meaningful change. So let us commit to cultivating a mindset of self-awareness, Practicing self-reflection, and embracing our innate agency. Through these small yet significant acts of self-transformation, we can truly make a difference – not only in our lives but in the world around us.

Blog EduEmeRalds strongly believes that every obstacle can be turned into an opportunity, we just need to change our perspective about it. So, it's high time dear Readers, that we should always be ready to change ourselves as changing the world begins with a change in yourself.

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